Khamis, 15 Disember 2011

Good bye 2011 , Hello 2012 :)

Hai ! wahh . dah lame tak bukak blog . dah berhabuk dh blog nada . hihihi . sebenarnya .
nada tak tahu nak ckp ape . tahun nih rasa mcm sekejap je  .
bnyk dah bende yg nada lalui tahun 2011.  macam-macam dah nada lalui
rasa sedih pulak nak tinggalkn tahun 2011 .  bnyk sangat kenangan , hmmm :'(  tahun depan .
nada PMR . perh . takutt . tahun nih mmg the best year lha ! banyak gile kenangan . tahun nih jugak tahun paling sedih dalam hidup aku . dalam tahun nih jugak nada kehilangan seorng yg istimewa , seorng yg sangat-sangat istimewa . nada kehilangan nenek nada :'(
my lovely grandma :'( dia meninggal 14.2.2011 . dia meninggal time nada sebelah dia .
time tuh sedara dtg tgk arwah . dia tgh tenat . :'( . dlm sejam mcm  tuh sedara dtg . n then diorng balik .
time tuh umi , abah , kakak , adik semua pergi hantar sedara depan rumah . nada dengan pakcik nada jage nenek nada .  . time tuh pakcik nada tgh bace yassin . nada duduk sebelah nenek nada , nada usap dia punye kepala . nada pegang tangan dia . time tuh sedih sangat . lepas tuh dalam 5 minit lepas tuh . nada dengar bunyi mcmm sedu . nada bagi tahu pakcik nada . pakcik nada kate biar kan . tapi nada tahu , ade something tak kene . n then pakcik nada tgk nenek. dia punye dada dh tak berombak(bernafas) tapi dia still tarik nafas , hembus . tapi dada dh tak gerak , pastu pakcik suruh panggil umi , nada pergi panggil umi . n then nada masuk bilik . tgk pakcik tgh ajar nenek mengucap . ya allah . time tuh nada mmg dh tak tahan nak mengalir air mate . mmg sedih time tuh . time tuh nada hanya mampu berdoa je . n then pakcik cakap ' MOK DAH TAK ADE  ' nada terus keluar bilik . nangis . mmg hari tuh . mmg sedih sangat2 . tapi skrng nada rasa nenek nada hidup lagi , duduk dkat kampung tgh solat , mengaji . alhamdullilah nenek nada meninggal tak susah . senang je . nada sebenarnye rindu dkat nenek nada ,. ALLAHYARHAMAH SARIFAH BINTI AWANG . rindu sangat2 , nada baru lepas habis bace yassin untuk nenek nada :'(
"mok , una doakan mok sentiasa dalam keadaan aman , dan ditempatkan dikalangan orng2 yg beriman , una sayang mok sangat200000 !! rindu mok :'(''
Nada nak ucapkan selamat menyambut tahun baru dakt semua kawan2 nada !
hihiih . #wish awal2 tak salah ken ? hihih

                                                             love : nada husna :*

Ahad, 2 Oktober 2011

purple sky

Purple skies and violet rainbows
And all the angels passing by
With their words they try to break you
But they can't shake you with all their lies

Another day we will survive
Another day is worth the fight
Today we will rise
We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky
Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

Black mirrors with no reflection
Broken hearts and rejection
Record times make the sound that call the angels homeward bound
[ Lyrics from: ]
Another day we will survive
Another day is worth the fight
Today we will rise
We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky
Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

These are the words and these are the choices
We are the children, we are the voices
This is the life and these are the questions
This is the time we're being tested

These are the words and these are the choices
We are the children, we are the voices
This is the life and these are the questions
This is the time we're being tested

Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky
You are beautiful
We remember 'cause you're beautiful
Just like the purple sky


It's a little cold out side tonight
But I was to close not to say hi
You know I talked to a friend of yours at school
She gave me the impression that you might be cool

With a guy like me
With a girl like you
Oh, could you ever see a guy like me
With a girl like you

Am I a fool for fool for falling for you girl?
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Am I a fool for fool for making you my whole world
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Please don't break it
Please don't break it
[ Lyrics from: ]
Cause all along it's been you on my mind
That something special about you
That's hard to find
I know every girl searching for romance
And I'm wondering if you'd take a chance
On guy like me with a girl like you
Oh, could you ever see a guy like me with a girl like you
Like you, like you

Am I a fool for fool for falling for you girl?
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Am I a fool for fool for making you my whole world
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Please don't break it
Please don't break it

I'm a fool for you Cheyenne (X3)
I'm not playing I'm just saying
I can't live without you

Am I a fool for fool for falling for you girl?
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Am I a fool for fool for making you my whole world
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Please don't break my heart Cheyenne
Please don't break it
Please don't break it

Waiting Outsides The Lines ♥

You’ll never enjoy your life,
living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
how you gonna reach the top?
Rules and regulations,
force you to play it safe
Get rid of all the hesitation,
it’s time for you to seize the day
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Try to have no regrets
even if it’s just tonight
How you gonna walk ahead
if you keep living blind?
Stuck in my same position,
you deserve so much more
There’s a whole world around us,
just waiting to be explored
Instead of just sitting around
and looking down on tomorrow
You gotta let your feet off the ground,
the time is now, just let it go
The world will force you to smile
I’m here to help you notice the rainbow
Cause I know,
What’s in you is out there
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting,
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
I’m trying to be patient (I’m trying to be patient)
the first step is the hardest (the hardest)
I know you can make it,
go ahead and take it
I’m Waiting, waiting, just waiting I’m waiting
I’m waiting, waiting, just waiting
I’m waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
You’ll never enjoy your life
Living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
How you gonna reach the top?

greyson chance ♥♥ ♥♥

aarrgghh . aku didalam dilema !
aku ade idola baru . aauuww  ♥ ♥ kauorrg pandang atas . tuh lha artis pujaan hati aku . hahaha
suara dia mmg TERBAIK ! lagu die semue dah ade dalam fone aku ! semue best-2 .
comel pulak tuh . aauuww ♥ ♥  ILY GREYSONCHANCE  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Jumaat, 30 September 2011

sweet .. ♥.♥

cube tgk gamba kat atas .. sweet nye lha JUSTIN BIEBER  dengan SELENA GOMEZ bile lha aku nak jadi mcmm nih . auuwwww ♥ .. sweet sangat .. jeleous aku !
tpi aku suke justin n selena . sweet sanagtt ! aauuuuww 

what the @$%$ !!

bodo doe . sabar je aku . seorng perempuan . yg tak sedar diri . terasa dirinye bagus .
bodo .
die tak puas sebab aku skrng buat status bahasa english . bodo .
suke hati aku lha aku nak tulis ape kat wall aku . babih .
dah lha suke copypaste gambar orng . bodo . gamba die dgn gamba jiya rosli dah nak same . semue kate mcmm tuh .. ape da .. dah buat salah lgi nak kate kat aku mcmm-2 . aku
tak usik die , die nak usik aku ape pasal ?? hish . manusia tak kenang budi ! mulut die mcmm gun . main tembak je ! die tak piki ape perkataan die tuh boleh menyebabbkan orng sakit hati ?
tuh lhaa ade otk tak nak gune . pakai kepale lutut ! bongok ! pastu suke perli-2 orng pulak tuh . suke kuutuk-2 orngg .. pastu tulis kat status . "tak suke orng yg suke perli2 " ????
ehh . wtf lha !
tak sedar diri betul . pikir diri tuh hot lha ? pikir diri tuh ketue ? tolongg sikit . setakat "ketue" ilmu tak ade buat ape !!!!!
aku nak cakap . sebelumm judge orng . kau tgk depan cermin dulu . ape yg kurng kat kau . dah cukup perfect ke ? kalau dah cukup perfect mai lha judge aku !! bodo !!
new fone
nikon D5100
get a awesome friend
9A in PMR